Joseph Storehouse


Already historically challenged communities (35-35% unemployment) are experiencing upward of 40-50% increase in unemployment due to the COVID crisis. Baltimore City has been in escalating crisis since 1960 (Education, Jobs, Housing, Health). This is due in part to fragmentation of services, churches and organizations, a resource bottleneck with no framework to direct existing food and goods to communities and a large gap between meeting the immediate needs and services for upward mobility. If this trend continues, the social economic ecosystem in Baltimore will continue to decay. There will be an increased demand on welfare system and dependence on alternative economics (i.e. drugs, guns, violence) Solutions are needed that do no deepen the welfare state or strengthen the political platform

Our Idea...

Using the Day of Hope model to become a 24/7 model, we connect churches, the business community, ministries and organizations in a collaborative, revenue positive, sustainable approach making a collective impact.

Could we shift poverty and food insecurity in Baltimore by 25%?

We want to establish a Joseph's Storehouse to receive, sort and redistribute resources given that will meet the immediate needs and connect people to services and resources to help the out of poverty. Using the Relief, Recover, Rebuild process - we will push Baltimore out of crisis, into relief and towards recovering and rebuilding.
Help us make the Joseph Storehouse a reality.
Partner with us today as  a recurring donor.

We will continue to declare that we see Baltimore as God does.

God is Lord of Baltimore
Baltimore is a Loving City
Baltimore is a Peaceful City
Baltimore is a Safe City
Baltimore is a Sober City
Baltimore is a Prosperous City
Baltimore is an Equitable City
Baltimore is a Healthy City
We pray and decree it is so! AMEN!

How it all started...